How to choose the best of the hundreds of web hosting companies ?

on Thursday 11 November 2010
Read This criteria first and know how i can determine the best of all these offers ?

How to determine that they are honest and it is not a scam ?

I will put an example of how i compare between two of the best companies :

Host Monster 

Advantages :
  • Unlimited storage space.
  • Unlimited Transfer ( Bandwidth )
  • Unlimited Domains
  • No need to any experience to build your site. ( pre-made installation wizards )
  • Very good Customer Service ( I think this site is the best in this point )
  • Price 6.95 $ / month.

    Web Hosting Pad

    Advantages :
    • Very large hosting company.
    • Unlimited Domains
    • Good customer service
    • No need to any experience to build your site. ( pre-made installation wizards ) 
    • The cheapest in the market ( 1.99 $ )

     As you can see the choice is not easy even between the best two services, so read below how to decide and start with your site with no more searching and lost time.


      The money back guarantee

      Choose a company which allows you to get your money back if you are not satisfied. Some companies provide a 30-days money back guarantee, others may provide 60 or 90 days but it is rare, and i think the 30-days money back guarantee is enough.


      Already-built applications and setups

      Your new site will need a number of applications installed to make it alive !, for example , to make a website about traveling , you will need an application to manage your photos easily , and another one to save your contacts automatically to your database, and another to allow your visitors and customers to leave their comments, .. etc.

      If you are even a web-programming expert, you will lose a lot of time building and installing this applications. most of the web-hosting have a number of already-made application for you to install by just a couple of clicks.

      Take care of this point while choosing a company to host your domain.

      The Databases number provided by the hosting service

      When you start building your new website you will almost use databases to save your data, contacts, and so on.

      But , it is not a good idea to join all your data in one database , ya ? .

      Some web-hosting services allow from 25 to 75 database, Some others allow UNLIMITED number of databases for your site, and those what we are searching for.

      The Ad-on Domains

       This is a very interesting feature which you have to find in your hosting company.
      What is Ad-on domains ?

      say that your site name will be , and after a period of time, you want to change this name and make it,  Is this possible ?  The answer is yes.

      An Add-on Domain is a domain name that points to a different sub directory on your account. This gives you the ability to make it look like an entirely different website.

      Some companies provide 2  Ad-on domains,  some others give you 5  or 20 , but there are some of them give you an UNLIMITED number of Ad-on domains without any additional fees !

      Choose a big bandwidth and data transfer

       The Bandwidth or the Data Transfer ( also called Traffic ) , is a very very important item to select. While your site is growing and has a large number of visitors and they open pages , leave comments, download files .. etc,
      these movements are called the Traffic or Bandwidth, so you have to choose a big one for the future.
      Almost of hosting services will provide you an UNLIMITED bandwidth, you must make sure of that yourself.

      The available hosted space and storage for your site

      This storage space will determine a lot of things , if you decide on day to upload video files or any other kind of media , or if you want to make your site as a music archive or a programs download center,  the storage space will affect that, the average storage in almost of companies is UNLIMITED , so don't accept anything less than that.
      In some companies you may read this " UNLIMITED STORAGE SPACE ..bla bla bla ",  How to know if this is real ? , In the well known companies which have at least 500,000 of sites hosted on it, the service should be pretty good and honest, there is no guarantee , but you have to learn form the others experiences.

      Search about someone who has a big site on this hosting company

      We agreed before that the high price of the service doesn't indicate that is no problems or critical issues in this company , and you should know something , the problems will not appear in small sites, it appears usually in the huge big ones, so you have to visit the company's site , see the list of sites that they are already hosting, choose the oldest one ( if time of hosting is listed ) , go to the site you select , contact it's admin and ask him one question :

       Are you ok with this hosting service ?

       The answer will be also  Yes, Or No, If  he has some of time he will tell you about the main problems, or the the main advantages, write them down .. we will need that later.

       for me i have tried the host monster service and it is amazing in all directions ( especially in customer service )


      Finding the web hosting company name in Google

      Before you pay for any service, check it.  In our case we will take the company name and say it was "Hosty", and then search for it in Google or Yahoo!, If you didn't see a lot of information in hundreds of sites about this company, so it is either NEW or BAD !
      Also you may read a topics written by people who are already using the hosting service of this company. If you find all these are ok , write down this company name to perform the other tests.

      The most important point to know about the web hosting company

      The most of the most thing is the  Customer Service .

      You have to choose a  web hosting company that provides a live and 24/7 available customer service.

      Let me say it .. If this point is not good in such a hosting service .. leave it and run away.

      How much it will cost me ?

      You can have your own site domain for a range of :   $ 7  and  23 $ Per month.

      That is a big different , ya ?  but you shouldn't care about that.

      The ~ $ 7  hosting service will be very very enough for you , and it will contain every thing you will need , so don't look at the 23 $ offers as it is better. ( Of course it is , but as i said before, NOT for you )